Bristol Garden Club Pollinator Pathway Project
What is a Pollinator Pathway?
The POLLINATOR PATHWAY™ concept began in 2017 in Wilton, CT. Since then, pathways have been established in over 300 towns in 11 states.
Pollinator pathways are public and private pesticide-free corridors of native plants that provide nutrition and habitat for pollinating insects and birds. Even the smallest green spaces, like flower boxes and curb strips, can be part of a pathway.
Why are pathways important?
Recent environment-related issues have been proven to have a direct link to a 90% decline in Monarch Butterflies in the last 10 years. Additionally, a recent study revealed that the population of North American birds has dropped nearly 30% since 1970. That's almost three billion birds gone. Vanished. Some issues include:
Widespread application of pesticides and other chemicals on lawns, landscaped plantings, and agricultural crops have dramatically reduced our pollinator population.
Climate changes have led to a lack of larval host plants.
The loss of habitat as more and more natural environments become urban and suburban throughout the world.
The spread of invasive (non-native) plants are reducing the food sources for our pollinators.
What can you do?

Bristol Garden Club Pathways
Click on the links to learn about pathways that the Garden Club maintains within the Bristol community.
Many resources are available at the Pollinator Pathway website. Below are a few popular ones that you can access directly:
National Pollinator Pathway Organization
Kremp Guide To Native Plants & Gardening
The pollinator pathway map (takes a little bit to load)
How to Plant Native Plants and Wildflower Seeds
How to Purchase a Medallion Yard Sign
How to Add Your Address to the Pollinator Pathway Map
Native Plant Guide Thank you Lakeville Environmental Club For Girls for providing this wonderful information! Link...
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