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Daffodil Photo Contest

2024 Daffodil Photo Contest Winners!


Congratulations to this year's winning photographers.


Best in Show: Laurel Curtis

1st Place Public Display


Judges' Comments: "Thoughtful use of primary colors. Unique perspective creates a strong composition."



2nd Place: Benson Enright - “My Backyard”

Youth Category, Age 6  Kindergarten


Judges' Comments: "Good use of contrasting textures between rock and flower. Flower in focus is turned to side. Have it face front next time. Luminescent lighting."


3rd Place: Christine Noel - “A Mystical Morning”

Youth Category, Age 11, Grade 5


Judges' Comments: "The whimsy of the elf is a fun creative concept. Mass of green stems and leaves divides the composition too much. The concept of calm background is effective."

1st Place: Florence Ring - “Peek-a-Boo”

Youth Category, Creative


Judges' Comments: "Interesting composition with use of the grid. Thoughtful use of contrasting textures between the metal and flower."


1st Place: Nancy Securo - “Daffodils Coming and Going”

Residential Displays


Judges' Comments: "Bountiful display of peak flowers in bloom. Sky slightly out of balance. Play with cropping next time."

2nd Place: Nancy Securo - “Daffodils-Beautiful wall flowers”

Public Display


Judges' Comments: "Use of perspective creatives a dynamic composition. Nice contrast."

3rd Place: Marilyn Mott Tolleson - “Next time read the whole memo!”

Public Display


Judges' Comments: "Sharp image. Beautiful contrast with wall and daffs. Title so true about nature!


Daffodil Photography Contest

Rules and Guidelines


Each year the Bristol Garden Club sponsors a Daffodil Photography contest as part of its celebration of daffodils. The contest is open to all amateur photographers. Photographers may submit their entry photos in color, black & white, or sepia, to the Rogers Free Library by closing on TBD.  Prize ribbons will be given to the Best of Show submission, as well as first, second, and third place winners in each category.  The categories are Residential Displays, Public Displays, Creative, and Youth (up to 18 years old).  Winning photographs will be displayed at the Rogers Free Library from May 1 to June 1.  For additional information about the Daffodil Photography contest, or to get involved with the Garden Club, please email us at


Ground Rules 

  1. The contest is open to all amateur photographers, with the exception of members of the Contest Committee.

  2. Each 8” x 10” entry must be printed on photo paper mounted on foam core.  A digital file(.jpeg, jpg, or .gif), no larger than 10MB should be available on request. Separate entry forms must be completed for each photo submitted. The print may be black & white, sepia, or color, and can be taken with any device.

  3. Each entry must have your name, address, telephone number, title, and category on an entry label taped to the back of the photo. Also add as much information as possible regarding how the photo was created (Camera, lens, or software used).

  4. Each contestant may enter a maximum of 1 photograph in each of the categories.

  5. Entries must be dropped off in the Bristol Garden Club box at the front desk of Rogers Free Library on Hope Street by closing, Saturday, April 20, 2024, with no exception.

  6. The contest will be judged by a committee.

  7. Winners will be notified by telephone.

  8. Ribbons will be awarded for First, Second, and Third place in each category.  One Best of Show ribbon will also be awarded.

  9. The winning photographs will be displayed at Rogers Free Library from May 1 through June 1, 2024.  Selected non-winning entries may also be displayed.

  10. Winning entries will become the property of the Bristol Garden Club.

  11. Non-winning entries may be picked up at Rogers Free Library when all displays have been dismantled.


Please contact Sheri St. Germain with any questions.


Contest Categories


 Residential Displays

 Public Displays

 Creative

 Youth (up to 18 years old – please indicate grade on back of photo)

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