Bristol Garden Club Leadership Team
Executive Board
President, Gail Burmeister
1st Vice President, Mary-Frances Snow
Recording Secretary, Linda Sheehan
Corresponding Secretary, Maggie Rezendes
Treasurer, Carol Botelho
2023-2025 Committee Leadership
Awards Vera Bowen
Environment Rick Anderson
Terri Hubbard
Civic Beautification Mary-Frances Snow
Daffodil Project Hope Avery
Grant Writer Pam Delaney
Diana Campbell
Carol Botelho
Historian Vera Bowen
Horticulture Carol Glanville
Hospitality Bonnie Evans
Membership Linda Sheehan
Photographer Celeste Bernardino
Plant Sale Diana Campbell
Publicity/Social Media Diana Campbell
Programs Pam Delaney
Robyn Borges
Ways & Means Mary-Frances Snow
Website Rick Anderson
Diana Campbell
Yearbook Rick Anderson
Committee Descriptions
Awards collects and compiles information, and submits applications to the State Federation, New England Region and National Garden Clubs, Inc.
Environment follows relevant issues in the East Bay Area and reports to the membership on matters of interest including conservation and land preservation, wildlife and endangered species, and other issues affecting the ecosystem.
Civic Beautification manages the beautification and maintenance of the Remembrance Garden and the planters at Rogers Free Library, and Mrs. Perry’s Garden. It evaluates suggestions and requests for new civic beautification projects.
Daffodil Project works with the Town of Bristol, businesses, residents, and nonprofit groups to plant daffodils along Bristol’s roadways, on public land, and in residential and commercial properties.
Education manages the Grants Fund. Applications are open to local community groups, non-profit organizations and educational institutions for programs that stimulate interest in and appreciation of plants, nature and the environment. Programs benefiting youth are given priority. One or more programs may be supported each year at the discretion of the Education Committee. The Past President shall serve as Chairperson.
Historian maintains Club archives and reminds members of their Club anniversaries.
Horticulture reports on matters of interest including plant cultivation and propagation, gardening and agriculture. Time will be allotted at each meeting for horticulture Q&As and an exchange members’ personal experience and knowledge.
Hospitality schedules hosts for meetings, arranges the Annual Meeting and Lunch, and sends reminders of club meetings and activities.
Membership takes attendance at meetings, brings/orders nametags, handles membership applications and changes in membership status.
Photographer takes photos of club activities for social media and to create a record of club events and activities.
Plant Sale organizes and oversees all activities related to the operation of a successful annual plant sale, which takes place on the Saturday before Mothers Day.
Publicity & Social Media disperses information to the club members and community.
Programs plans and arranges meeting content including location, speakers and materials.
Ways & Means The charge for ways and means is to identify and promote ways of defraying expenses for the club’s projects. Grants, fundraising and donations.
Website maintains and updates the website with current events, newsletters, and relevant information.
Yearbook updates and prints the Club's annual Yearbook.