Bristol Garden Club By Laws
Revised 2020
The name of this club shall be the Bristol Garden Club, Inc.
The purposes for which the corporation is organized are exclusively educational and charitable and include promotion of knowledge about gardening and flower arranging, protection of the environment and encouragement of civic planting as well as charitable activities that further these objectives.
Section 1: The club shall be limited to 49 active members and 20 associate members. In addition, past presidents may be invited to become honorary members from time to time by the Executive Board. Membership is open to all.
Section 2: Qualification for active membership shall be the willingness to share in the activities of the club and to attend at least five of the ten regularly scheduled meetings and/or participate in additional service to the club. Every active member must hostess or host at least once every two years. An active member who finds that she or he will be unable to attend club meetings for a prolonged period of time may apply to the Executive Board, in writing, for a special leave of absence not to exceed six months. The Executive Board may extend a “sustaining active” membership to an active member, in good standing for two years, who becomes employed full time or at such times as makes regular attendance impossible. A member in this category should be able to attend two regularly scheduled meetings, serve as hostess or host as required of active members, pay the same dues as associate members, and agree to do two or more service projects selected from a list suggested by the board.
Section 3: Qualification for associate membership shall be active membership for at least ten years and an officer or member of the Executive Board. Associate members are expected to take part in club activities, serve on committees when asked, and attend at least two meetings a year. The Executive Board may confer the title of “Emeritus” on any associate member, or any other member who has been active for a number of years, who is physically unable to attend meetings but would like to maintain contact with the club. Such members would pay dues as usual but not be counted in the membership total.
Section 4: The Executive Board shall consider terminating the membership of any club member who:
a) Fails to uphold the objectives of the club, as stated in the bylaws.
b) Fails to meet attendance requirements as specified in ARTICLE III Section 2 and 3.
c) Allows payment of dues to fall in arrears for a period of sixty days.
d) Submits a letter of resignation to the Executive Board.
Section 1: The officers of the club shall be a President, a First Vice-President, a Corresponding Secretary, a Recording Secretary, and a Treasurer.
Section 2: The duties of the President shall be:
a) To preside over all club meetings and all Executive Board meetings.
b) To represent the club in person or by delegate at all Federation meetings.
c) To serve as an ex-officio member of all committees, except the Nominating Committee.
d) To appoint chairmen to all Standing Committees and special committees as needed.
Section 3: The First Vice-President shall assume the duties of the President in the absence of the President and shall serve as Ways and Means Chairman.
Section 4: The Recording Secretary shall keep records of all meetings of the club.
Section 5: The Corresponding Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence, including cards of remembrance.
Section 6: The Treasurer shall be responsible for all financial transactions authorized by the Executive Board.
Section 7: The officers shall be elected at the March meeting for a two-year term of office commencing in May or until their successors in the office are elected and qualified.
Executive Board
Section 1: The Executive Board shall consist of the officers of the club, the Chairmen of the Standing Committees, and the immediate Past-President, who will serve as Parliamentarian.
Section 2: The Executive Board shall have full power to act for the club in matters arising between its meetings, shall authorize the expenditure of all funds and set the amount of dues.
Election of Members
Section 1: The Executive Board shall have full power to admit members at any time to the limit of membership as prescribed by bylaws.
Section 2: A majority of the Executive Board shall be present and voting in the election of members, and two dissenting votes shall exclude any candidate proposed.
Section 3: A candidate for membership must be proposed by two members of the club in writing. A candidate must attend one club meeting as a guest, then submit a membership application. After the candidate has attended one more meeting, the application will be voted upon by the Executive Board. No member shall propose more than two members during any current year. Membership is open to anyone wishing to join the club as long as the above requirements are met.
Section 1: A Nominating Committee to serve for a period of two years shall be appointed by the President no later than February. Its function shall be the nomination of officers for the ensuing term and the filling of any vacancies that may occur in the interim. The slate shall be read at the February meeting, at which time counter nominations may be proposed. The officers shall be elected at the March meeting and be installed at the Annual Meeting in May.
Section 2: A Budget Committee consisting of no less than three members shall be appointed by the President no later than March. The proposed budget for the following year shall be voted upon at the April meeting.
Section 1: The Annual Meeting shall be held in May.
Section 2: The regular meeting of the Bristol Garden Club shall be held once a month throughout the year on the second Wednesday of the month.
Section 1: Dues, as set by the Executive Board, shall be due and payable on or before the May meeting.
Section 2: Dues for new members shall be due and payable within 30 days after their election. New members are excused from dues if elected between February 1 and the May meeting.
Section 3: Honorary members shall pay no dues.
Section 4: The Treasurer’s books shall be audited biannually.
Section 5: In the event of the dissolution of the corporation, its assets shall be distributed to the Friends of Rogers Free Library, Incorporated, in Bristol, RI, exclusively for the tax exempt purpose, within the meaning of 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, of maintaining in perpetuity the Remembrance Garden established by the Bristol Garden Club in 1969.
Section 1: The bylaws must be reviewed and, if applicable, revised and amended at intervals not to exceed four years.
Section 2: These bylaws may be amended by two-thirds vote of the members present provided the proposed amendment has been sanctioned by the Executive Board and has been read at the previous meeting of the club.